FULL - Anxiety/Education Training 101
A virtual training workshop for parents and caregivers looking to help their school-aged child/youth cope with anxiety and stress.
A 2-hour virtual training workshop for parents/caregivers looking to help their school-aged child/youth cope with anxiety and stress. Learn about cognitive- behavioural skills designed to help parents help their kids. Participate in a breakout group for parents of children in specific age ranges (<7, 8-11, 12+).
Training led by Dr. Colin King, Psychologist & Director of CYDC with breakout group support from Psychology Graduate Student Clinicians.
Note: This workshop is being offered free of charge. Any families wishing to make a donation to the Child & Youth Development clinic will receive a charitable givings receipt.
You can make your donation online here. Or you may wish to contact our fundraiser, Rosie Triebner, Director of Community Engagement & Development for Western Education at 519-573-0968 or by e-mail at rtriebne@uwo.ca. Rosie has been championing the work of the CYDC and can ensure your support is handled in the most convenient way possible.
Wednesday September 30th
7:00 - 9:00 p.m.
1163 Richmond Street
London, Ontario
Tel: 519-661-4257
The event is now full and registration is closed; sorry for the inconvenience!